CRM State:
Featuring complete ICP-OES and ICP-MS suite certification
We use the term ‘SuperCRM®’ for any OREAS® CRM containing full ICP-OES and MS elemental suite certification for at least two different analytical methodologies. With up to 179 analytes characterised in a single SuperCRM®, they are ideally suited as a control for alteration mapping, pathfinder elements and other ICP applications.
Our current range of SuperCRMs® cover the following mineralisation styles: Blank/lithogeochem/low-level, ores of Au, Au-Ag, Au-Cu, Cu, Ni-sulphide, U, Zn-Pb-Ag, Li, REE, PGE, Ni-Cu-PGE, Fe, W and spodumene concentrate.
With over 130 SuperCRMs® available from our range of over 240 OREAS® CRMs, there is every chance of a close match to the matrix of your field samples.